Motor Drive Analyzers provide complete three-phase power analysis from motor drive input through motor mechanical output, with results in a convenient Numeric table format. Motor speed, position, and torque integration are the most complete available. Long memory, per-cycle “synthesized†Waveforms and Zoom+Gate mode provide powerful dynamic drive and motor analysis. 8 analog input channels (MSO optional) with high resolution (12-bits), sample rate (up to 2.5 GS/s), bandwidth (up to 1 GHz) and memory (up to 250 Mpt/ch) provide unique capability to perform complete system debug on the motor drive power section, motor mechanical performance, and embedded drive control system operation
Oscilloscope + Power Analyzer

The Motor Drive Analyzer is built on the 8ch/12-bitHDO8000 platform. It contains all of the advanced oscilloscope capability you need for embedded control debug plus three-phase power and mechanical analysis with accuracy to within 1% of a dedicated power analyzer instrument.
Complete Drive System Debug

Power Analyzer instruments perform only one function, and typical 4 channel oscilloscopes have limited capabilities for three-phase power system analysis. The Motor Drive Analyzer has 8 analog input channels (+16 optional digital channels) and three-phase power analyzer capability to debug the complete motor drive system.
Numerics measurement results table

Three-phase power system values (real power, apparent power, reactive power, power factor, phase angle, efficiencies, and various voltage, current and mechanical parameters) are displayed in a convenient user-configurable Numerics results table. Up to 120 values total may be displayed at one time.
Dynamic Drive Response Analysis

Long memory (up to 250 Mpts/ch) permits capture and analysis of long periods of time (e.g. 25 seconds at 10 MS/s). Touch a Numerics table cell and create a per-cycle "synthesized" Waveforms of the parameter over time. Use Zoom+Gate to view drive behavior detail in one portion of the acquisition – all per-cycle Waveforms and Numerics values are gated to this location. This makes it simple to correlate complex drive behaviors to other control or power system waveforms, and to debug drive system problems.
Most Complete Motor Mechanical Integration

The Motor Drive Analyzer permits integration of Brushless DC (BLDC) Hall sensors, Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) and Resolvers for speed, direction and angle sensing. MSO (digital) inputs may be used to conserve valuable analog channels.
Of course, conventional analog torque load cells and analog/digital tachometers may be integrated as well.
Intuitive, graphical user interface

An easy-to-understand user interface guides the operator through setup and analysis. Setup capability is provided for any combination of single-phase or three-phase drive input/output. Quick buttons provide fast access to advanced capabilities.
HD4096 High Definition Technology

HD4096 high definition technology enables oscilloscopes to capture and display signals of up to 1 GHz with high sample rate and 16 times more resolution than other oscilloscopes.